Sunday, January 10, 2016

Nephews: The Best Kind

Windows to the Soul - January 10, 2016
Today was my nephew's first birthday. It was a beautiful, well below freezing, sunny-Minnesota-day in January. I have an elite appreciation for small get togethers on a Sunday afternoon, and when it is with family, that is even better.
My husband and I still have yet to pop out our own little gremlins, which may contribute to my overwhelming need to completely smother my nephews. That's right, nephews. Plural; more than one.

Kick Back - January 10,2016
How lucky am I to have not one, not two, but THREE perfectly gorgeous and completely inspiring little boys in my life? Those which I am truly blessed to be able to watch grow and mold into perfectly gorgeous and completely inspiring young men? I'd say that's luckier than having the winning ticket to the 1.3 billion dollar PowerBall jackpot - pulled next week.

Being able to capture those perfect moments, is just the cherry on top. One picture is worth a thousand words, especially
when you are always wondering what that little nugget is thinking about.
Monte - Januray 10, 2016

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